As I sit comfortably with my blanket in my lap and the space heater blowing (it’s 30 degrees in South Carolina this morning) I can’t help but think about Christmas. Yes, I am surrounded by Christmas decor, I realize it is 16 days until the big day, but most notably thinking about how this year will be different.
I am a strong proponent of positive mindsets. I am naturally what I like to call a “realist” but I have come to realize that although that type of gut-thinking can be very serving at times it shouldn’t be a 24/7 mindset.

Realistically thinking no matter how you celebrate holidays this year they will look different and there may be an underlying sadness. A sadness missing being close to loved ones, missing family trips, and traditions of years past. But if we look at the same situations positively hopefully this year you have grown a bit closer to your family & friends with more frequent zoom calls. Maybe since we have all slowed down this year you have gotten to know yourself better and can filter out what isn’t needed or what was dragging you down.
Time flies by itself we don’t need to be wishing any of it away even if it’s to what we want at the moment.
My husband is an enneagram 7 and has taught me the joy of positive thinking. If you know anything about the enneagram you understand being happy is their core driving force. He hates it when I bring in the realism’s so I have let his way of thinking infiltrate my thought patterns and I must say it is life-changing. There is power in positive thinking. My Dad is a retired drill sergeant so I was always taught mind over matter and this kind of thinking goes hand in hand. What you tell your mind it will believe. Think gratitude, positive affirmations, and just reminding yourself that you are here, breathing, and reading this for a reason.

What you tell your mind it will believe
Now flip whatever negative thoughts you are having on their head.
So this year you won’t be around as much family as you are used to. Ok, maybe this year you need to spend more attention on who you will be around EVEN if it is just yourself! Also, remember you are never alone there is ALWAYS someone who wants to hear from you. Insert any situation, flip it, and find the positive.

Looking around my house it looks like Christmas any other year. We love this season. We have 4 trees in the house. Unfortunately, all faux because we have 3 dogs, and it’s just easier that way, haha. One day I’ll have a real tree in the house like I grew up with. We do have a real tree in the yard with lights and a big red bow because it is our neighborhood’s tradition. I will say it does look magical to drive around the neighborhood at night this season.
I love decorating our trees. I wish I could say I’m the Mom who loves for the kids to help with all the homemade & mismatched ornaments with no rhyme or reason in placement. I am not. I am sooo very not her. I praise you people. My strength is making them aesthetically pleasing. When something is aesthetically pleasing to me it calms my mind and brings me joy. I can’t do chaos. So with all the chaos going on around us, we don’t have a “chaos tree” this year, haha. It didn’t bring me joy.

I just add wine!
Decorating the tree always brings me back to my Grandma’s house in Northern Minnesota. I didn’t spend many Christmas’ there but when I did, it stuck. My grandparents were the stability I had in my chaotic childhood so the memories I have with them stick out. Watching my grandmother was so intriguing to me! She would put on Frank Sinatra’s Christmas album followed by Dean Martin, Bing Crosby, a little Kenny G, and zone out decorating the most beautiful tree I had ever seen. So when I decorate I do the same … I just add wine!

When thinking about decorating your tree(s) you need to decide on a theme. We have a white and gold tree with natural elements in the dining room. We also have a green ribbon tree with white ceramic ornaments in the living room. Then we have a gnome tree in the hall. And lastly, we have a nutcracker theme tree in my daughter’s room. She has been in the local ballet production of The Nutcracker for the last 3 years so this gets her in the spirit and brings her so much joy. Funny enough this was actually her birthday present and all she really wanted this year for her November birthday.
The first step in making your “out of the box” tree look beautiful is to fluff, fluff, fluff. If your tree is scratchy put on some dish gloves and spread those branches. 2 out 1 up! This step makes the biggest difference. Next is ribbon placement. You don’t have to use ribbon I actually like the ribbon-less minimal trees I see this year. When it comes to ribbon the best option is to cut strips about 24” – 30” in length. You waste less in places where you don’t need it and it’s easier to work with. After you are happy with your ribbon placement next come sprigs & picks. They can be flowers, frosted faux greenery, pearls, you name it. With all of the ribbon and sprigs, you want to first fill any gaps you couldn’t fill with fluffing. Then you keep going to make sure you aren’t grouping and things are spaced out visually. Lastly, you hang your ornaments. Then add any finishing touches and/or rearranging once everything has come together. That’s it! That’s the secret to my Christmas trees!

The first step in making your “out of the box” tree look beautiful is to fluff, fluff, fluff. If your tree is scratchy put on some dish gloves and spread those branches. 2 out 1 up! This step makes the biggest difference. Next is ribbon placement. You don’t have to use ribbon I actually like the ribbon-less minimal trees I see this year. When it comes to ribbon the best option is to cut strips about 24” – 30” in length. You waste less in places where you don’t need it and it’s easier to work with. After you are happy with your ribbon placement next come sprigs & picks. They can be flowers, frosted faux greenery, pearls, you name it. With all of the ribbon and sprigs, you want to first fill any gaps you couldn’t fill with fluffing. Then you keep going to make sure you aren’t grouping and things are spaced out visually. Lastly, you hang your ornaments. Then add any finishing touches and/or rearranging once everything has come together. That’s it! That’s the secret to my Christmas trees!
I hope this helps anyone who has found it difficult to get the look you want. Comment below and let me know your tree themes. Have you decided to go minimal or all out?
This Christmas will be a very special Christmas because we will find, bring, and sing Joy amidst a pandemic.

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