Meet Danielle
Welcome to my little corner on the internet! I believe style should be timeless, look effortless, and food along with life should be enjoyed. I hope I can add something to your life whether it be outfit inspiration, a delicious recipe, or a quick escape.
I have been on a journey my whole life discovering who I am apart from the circumstances I have faced. I am a 35 year old wife and mom to 2 amazing kids. The fact that I wasn’t supposed to have children being a heart survivor makes them even more special to me. I never saw myself getting married yet I married my best friend in 2005 and he is my biggest supporter. He even supports me as I continuously find things I love almost always obnoxiously overfilling my plate. We are only given a few short years on this earth so why not fill them with as much happiness as possible?! Naming the mainstays in my life would be fashion, cooking, home decor, crafting, fitness, and most of all my relationship with Jesus.
The main reason I started this blog is because I am a helper. I love to help people so I see this as a possible win-win. I get to hopefully help you in some way and it will be cathartic for me! I share my heart, my real, with you a little bit in each post because we are all humans and need to know we connect somehow even in the smallest ways. I always want my space to be an uplifting place to come and maybe escape for a little while. I have always been questioned about my style, my recipes, decor, and life in general so I decided starting a blog may be a good idea, let’s see!
Walk with me as I design Danielle.
Random facts about me:
- I had open heart surgery at 5 years old after numerous doctors in several countries said there was nothing they could do for me and I would die. HA! Joke’s on y’all thankfully God had other plans.
- Growing up with one of the most common names in America (arguably the world) and then marrying an average-named man I refused to name my kids anything you would find on a gas station keychain.
- My parents met in the Army so needless to say I was an army brat born in camo and combat boots.
- I am an enneagram 8. Vulnerability is my kryptonite but I am coming to learn that I can be a great strength. I love the history and study behind the enneagram and find it a great way to better get to know yourself. I find knowing yourself better gives you room to give yourself grace and also reign yourself in when needed.
- I found Barre3 6 years ago and became completely addicted to fitness. After being told not to be too active most of my life I found freedom and strength in finding a workout that fit my needs. I have since moved on to incorporate more into my routine but I will always be forever grateful.

Photography credit goes to the amazing Liz Austin Photography.