2020 has been a year of change and self-reflection. Not in the New Year’s resolution way but more of things can change in the blink of an eye and I realizing I still have things I want to do. I think the way this year affected me the most was completely changing my daily routine. I didn’t drop my kids off at school. I didn’t have alone time anymore. I am now a teacher’s aid. I didn’t feel safe going to my daily Barre3 class anymore, so I didn’t. These may seem like small changes to some for me as a stay-at-home mom, this is huge.
I try to always find a silver lining when things start going bad, or not as I anticipated. After all, it is our responsibility to make the decision to be happy. While searching for my silver lining one kind of fell in my lap.

Apparently, I want to be a blogger
So apparently I want to be a blogger. I say that with caution because there are negative connotations that are connected with blogging especially with social media. Believe it or not, my reasons may be a bit different. I have always found great fulfillment in helping people and equally, writing has always been cathartic for me.
Actually coming to this conclusion wasn’t so simple. The push came in different forms that were odd to me at first. My teenage son would mention “Mom, you should be a blogger!” “You would be a great blogger” after watching me cook, sew, or decorate the house. My 9 year old daughter would hear his comments and remark “she already is she’s just not famous on YouTube. “ (Insert facepalm moment) Then my husband would chime in with “everyone always loves your style and fashion sense”.
I mean who would want to read what I have to say anyway?
I would laugh off all the remarks and not think much else about them until I was speaking with someone I highly respect and the next comment out of her mouth was, “I know what you need to do next, you would be a great blogger!” Then it all hit me sort of like a whirlwind, or more accurately a gut-punch, which is how things seems to happen for me and I said “Ok, God I hear you now..”
What silver lining have you found?

So what are you doing today? Yesterday I baked blueberry cream cheese scones from a Pinterest recipe that turned out great. Today I may make Barre3 bars that are to die for and good for you too.
Before I do any of that I need to get my day started with my lemon water.
In these weird “self isolation” Covid pandemic times I have noticed I feel my best when I stay in a routine. I need some things in my daily life to still feel “normal”. It doesn’t have to be the same 530am wake up, get kids ready, and off to school just something similar.
These days I wake between 6 and 630am. I wake the kids around 645am, make our beds, and we all meet in the kitchen. My husband is usually well into his work day by now so its just us. While they get the computers started for school, feed the dogs, and take their daily vitamins I make my warm lemon water and slip away to get some morning sun for just a few minutes rocking on the front porch. I’m a southern Momma what can I say? What is your favorite way to start the day?
Yes,I am that mom who enjoys to cook so most mornings I whip up something quick. This morning it was the blueberry scones from yesterday with scrambled eggs for them and a breakfast smoothie for me. I swear this smoothie tastes like a milkshake, fills like a bowl of oatmeal, and is packed with great ingredients to get you going & keep you full.

My Morning Oat Smoothie
1/4c oats
1 pitted medjool date
1/2 Tbsp hemp hearts
Protein Powder of choice (I prefer Happy Way)
Or 1 Tbsp peanut butter + 1 tsp chia seeds
1/2 frozen banana
1/4 cup riced cauliflower
1c unsweetened coconut water
1/2 Tbsp sunflower seeds
Dash cinnamon
Dash Himalayan pink salt
Optional: 1 tsp local honey
Add ice and water to get your desired smoothie consistency

I try to always add protein powder to get a protein boost in the morning since we as women have difficulty getting enough in our diets. Also protein is a building block for our hair and what woman doesn’t want healthy hair? I prefer Happy Way because it tastes great and has clean & simple ingredients. I like to add in oats for their ability to fill and add fiber. Dates are a great way to add essential nutrients like potassium, manganese and more fiber as well. Coconut water has a good amount of electrolytes and we need to keep those up so our bodies can process all the water we drink properly.

This smoothie is a bit higher in calories coming in around 445 calories but I make this on mornings of busy days. This smoothie keeps me full all the way until lunch so it takes the place of breakfast and my morning snack for the day.

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